Dating apps that will get you laid

Dating > Dating apps that will get you laid

Be lazy… get laid. Oh technology, how I love you. Sitting on my butt… in my boxers… and hooking up a date with a pretty decent looking girl with almost zero effort? Yes please, sign me up. I do however know some eating who are dating app junkies, they have refined techniques, created their own systems and get laid like clockwork. Below are the top 5 apps they are using right now to hookup with some seriously worthy women. Want to become a master at Tinder game? Then you need to. OkCupid OkCupid the site is voted as and has a steady following. So when they released their app, it was only natural for their users to start using it as well as the online version. How About We A very cool idea that could easily help you refine your creative approach to meeting girls with these gt />So you can take advantage of their lame one-liners with some truly original ones and cleanup. The app could do with some improvements, but the idea is very cool I think. It has over 5 million users right now and is great for meeting up with girls who are in your area and ready to hookup. Meet Me Very similar premise as all dating apps that will get you laid others, but they have a trusty loyal bunch of users who rave about this app. The only lame thing is a few in-app upgrades to unmask certain people which can get annoying.

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